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Recent Publications


  • Z.-F. Su, R. Elmahdy, J. F. Biernat, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski. Langmuir 40 (31) (2024) 16249–16257.
  • E. Pensini, P. Meszaros, N. Kashlan, A. G. Marangoni, T. Laredo, S. Gregori, S. M. Ghazani, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Ferroelectric hydrogels from amino acids and oleic acid. iScience (2024) in press
  • Z.-F. Su, A. Królikowska, R. Seenath, A. Kycia, J. Li, J. Bukowska, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski. Quantitative electrochemical and SEIRA characterization of mercaptosuccinic acid monolayer on gold surface. Electrochimica Acta 499 (2024) 144715.
  • S. Abner, A. Chen. Nanostructured Cobalt/Copper Catalysts for Efficient Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction. Nanoscale 16 (2024) 12967-12981.
  • O. Ozoemena, E. Boateng, A. Chen. Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of C-reactive protein antigen. Analyst 149 (2024) 3773-3782.
  • B. Bohlen, N. Daems, Z.F. Su, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski, T. Breugelmans. In situ spectroelectrochemical study of acetate formation by CO2 reduction using Bi catalyst in amine-based capture solution. ChemSusChem (2024) in press
  • N. Sabouhanian, J. Lipkowski, A. ChenGrowth and electrochemical study of bismuth nanodendrites as an efficient catalyst for CO2 reduction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (2024) 21895-21904
  • Z.F. Su, A. Chen, J. Lipkowski, Electrochemical and infrared studies of a model bilayer of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and its interaction with polymyxin – the last resort antibiotic. Langmuir 40 (2024) 8248-8259
  • C. Ramirez, A.R. Thiruppathi, O. Ozoemena, A. Chen. Recent Advances in Graphene Oxide-Based Electrochemical Sensors. Can. J. Chem. (2024) in press (Ricardo Aroca Award Lecture; Special Issuse ‘Celebrating 150 Years of Chemistry at the University of Guelph)
  • S. Thind, J. Wentzel, E. Hatami, C. Goodwin, A. Chen. Integration of Electrochemical Oxidation and Photocatalytic Degradation with Robust Synergistic Effect for Efficient Wastewater Treatment. ACS Sustainable Resource Management 1 (4) (2024) 634 – 643.
  • S. Durairaj, D. Sridhar, G. Strohle, H. Li, A. Chen. Bactericidal Effect and Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide/Silver Nanocomposites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (2024) 18300-18310
  • C.-K. Hung, A.R. Thiruppathi, N. Burns, C. McGuire, J. Quintal, D.-T. Jiang, S. Kycia, A. Chen. Tailoring Hydrogen Evolution Performance: Size and Phase Engineering of Ruthenium Nanoclusters. ACS Catalysis 14 (2024) 5416-5428. (Featured by the CEPS News Release)
  • E. Pensini, S. Gregori, A.G. Marangoni, S.M. Ghazani, Z.F. Su, A. Chen, N. Kashlan. Ethanolamine piezoelectric hydrogels structured by oleic acid lamellae. Journal of  Molecular Liquids 397 (2024) 124185 (1-12)
  • A. Pounder, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, W. Tam. Cobalt-Catalyzed Hydrogenation and Deuteration Reactions of Bicyclic Alkenes in an Aqueous Environment. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 27 (2024) e202301306 (1-6)
  • N. Abdulwali, J. van der Zalm, A.R. Thiruppathi, A. Khaleel, A. Chen. Microwave-assisted green synthesis of monodispersed carbon micro-spheres and their antibacterial activity. Applied Surface Science 642 (2024) 158579 (1-10)


  • Z.F. Su, J. Quintal, M. Al-Jeda, A.R. Thiruppathi, J. Lipkowski, A. Chen. Electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide on the gold surface: Localized electrochemical impedance and in situ polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopic studies. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (2023) 21644-21655.
  • E. Boateng, J van der Zalm, N. Burns, D. Chow, S. Kycia, A. Chen. Tunable Electrochemical Hydrogen Uptake and Release of Nitrogen-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Decorated with Pd Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (2023) 17311-17323
  • D. Chow, N. Burns, E. Boateng, J. van der Zalm, S. Kycia, A. Chen. Mechanical Exfoliation of Expanded Graphite to Graphene-based Materials and Modification with Palladium Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Storage. Nanomaterials 13 (2023) 2588 (1-17)
  • E. Mena-Morcillo, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Spatially Resolved Optical Spectroscopic Measurements with Simultaneous Photoelectrochemical Mapping Using Scanning Electrochemical Probe Microscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (2023) 4600-4606 (Featured as the journal front cover; Highlighted by the CEPS News Release)
  • A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, C.K. Hung, A. Chen. Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies of 3D Reduced Graphene Oxide for Efficient Energy Storage. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 6 (2023) 5486–5497
  • L. Qian, A. van Riesen, J. van der Zalm, R Manderville, A. Chen. Design and electrochemical study of merocyanine dyes: Influence of substituents on the redox behaviors and fouling propensity at ubiquitous electrode surfaces. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 937 (2023) 117415 (1-9)
  • A. Salverda, S. Abner, E. Mena-Morcillo, A. Zimmer, A. Elsayed, A. Chen. Electrochemical, Scanning Electrochemical Microscopic, and In Situ Electrochemical Fourier Transform Infrared Studies of CO2 Reduction at Porous Copper Surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (15) (2023), 7151-7161. (Featured by the CEPS News Release)
  • J. van der Zalm, L. Zeng, A. Chen. Experimental and Computational Studies of Photo-electrochemical Degradation of Atrazine by Modified Nanoporous Titanium Dioxide. Chemosphere 318 (2023) 137985 (1-9).
  • F. Rahmati, N. Sabouhanian, J. Lipkowski, A Chen. Synthesis of 3D Porous Cu Nanostructures on Ag Thin Film Using Dynamic Hydrogen Bubble Template for Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to Ethanol. Nanomaterials 13 (4) (2023) 778 (1-17).
  • J. van der Zalm, J. Quintal, S.A. Hira, S. Chen, A. Chen. Recent Trends in Electrochemical Catalyst Design for Hydrogen Evolution, Oxygen Evolution, and Overall Water Splitting. Electrochim. Acta 439 (2023) 141715
  • E. Boateng, A.R. Thiruppathi, C.-K. Hung, D. Chow, D. Sridhar, A. Chen. Functionalization of Graphene-based Nanomaterials for Energy and Hydrogen Storage. Electrochim. Acta 452 (2023) 142340 (1-25)
  • Z. Niu, S. Fan, X. Li, J. Duan, A. Chen. Interfacial Engineering of CoMn2O4/NC Induced Electronic Delocalization Boosts Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Oxyanions Reduction to Ammonia. Appl. Catal. B Environ. 322 (2023) 122090.


M.N. Hossain, R.M. Choueiri, S. Abner, L.D. Chen, A. Chen. Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide at TiO2/Au Nanocomposites. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces  2022, 14, 51889–51899.

J.S. Dondapati, G. Maduraiveeran, A. Chen. Direct growth of three-dimensional nanoflower-like structures from flat metal surfaces. Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 11127-11130.

M. Amiri, J. Dondapati, J. Quintal, A. Chen. Sodium Hexa-Titanate Nanowires Modified with Cobalt Hydroxide Quantum Dots as an Efficient and Cost-Effective Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Media. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14 (35), 40021–40030

Z. Su, J.J. Leitch, J. Lipkowski. Effect of Lipid Composition on the Inhibition Mechanism of Amiloride on Alamethicin Ion Channels in Supported Phospholipid Bilayers. Langmuir 2022, 38 (27), 8398–8406.

M Grossutti, J D’Amico, J Quintal, H MacFarlane, A Quirk, JR Dutcher. Deep Learning and Infrared Spectroscopy: Representation Learning with a β-Variational Autoencoder. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13 (25), 5787–5793

H. Shamana, J.R. Dutcher. Transition in the Glassy Dynamics of Melts of Acid-Hydrolyzed Phytoglycogen Nanoparticles. Biomacromolecules 2022, 23(5), 2040–2050.

L. Zeng, A. R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, T. Shi, A. Chen. Tailoring trimetallic CoNiFe oxide nanostructured catalysts for the efficient electrochemical conversion of methane to methanol. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10 (28), 15012-15025

R. E. Johnson, J. M. van der Zalm, A. Chen, I. J. Bell, T. J. Van Raay, M S. Al-Abdul-Wahid, R. A. Manderville, Unraveling the Chemosensing Mechanism by the 7-(Diethylamino)coumarin-hemicyanine Hybrid: A Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe for Hydrogen Peroxide. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94 (31), 11047–11054. (Research Highlights in Nature Chemical Biology, 2022, 18, 1037)

S. Abner, A. Chen. Design and mechanistic study of advanced cobalt-based nanostructured catalysts for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental B 2022, 301, 120761.

N. Momenbeitollahi, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen, H. Li. Entrapping gold nanoparticles in membranes for simple-to-use enhanced fluorescence detection of proteins. Analytica Chimica Acta 2022. 1195, 339443.   

D. Mrdenovic, J. Lipkowski, P. Pieta. Analyzing early-stage toxic properties of amyloid β oligomers by atomic force microscopy. Methods in Molecular Biology, Membrane Lipids, 2022, Chapter 18

G. Chatterjee, B. Ferris, N. Momenbeitollahi, H. Li. In-silico selection of cancer blood plasma proteins by integrating genomic and proteomic databases. Proteomics 202222.

L. Zeng, A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, X. Li, A. Chen. Biomass-derived amorphous carbon with localized active graphite defects for electrive electrocatalytic N2 reduction. Applied Surface Science 2022, 575, 151630.  


L. Qian, S. Durairaj, S. Prins, A. Chen. Nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors and biosensors for the detection of pharmaceutical compounds. Biosen. Bioelectron. 175 (2021) 112836 (1-22)

D. Mrdenovic, P. Zarzycki, M. Majewska, I.S. Pieta, R. Nowakowski, W. Kutner, J. Lipkowski, P. Pieta. Inhibition of amyloid β-induced lipid membrane permeation and amyloid β aggregation by K162. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2021, 12, 531-541.

Z. Su, B. Goodall, J. J. Leitch, J. Lipkowski. Ion transport mechanism in gramicidin A channels formed in floating bilayer lipid membranes supported on gold electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2021, 375, 137892

F. P. Dapena, Z. Su, J. A. Malmagro, M. Rueda, J. Lipkowski. Electrostatics affects formation of Watson-Crick complex between DNA bases in monolayers of nucleolipids deposited at a gold electrode surface. Electrochimica Acta 2021, 390, 138816

N. Momenbeitollahi, T. Cloet, H. Li. Pushing the detection limits: strategies towards highly sensitive optical-based protein detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 413, 5995-6011, 2021.   

Z. Liu, M.N. Hossain, J. Wen, A. Chen. Copper decorated nanoporous gold by galvanic displacement as an efficient electrocatalyst for the electrochemical reduction of CO2. Nanoscale 13 (2021) 1155-1163.

F. P. Dapena, Z. Su, J. A. Malmagro, M. Rueda, J. Lipkowski. Mixed monolayer of a nucleolipid and a phospholipid has improved properties for spectroelectrochemical sensing of complementary nucleobases. J.Electroanal.Chem 2021, 896, 115120.

L. Qian, A.R. Thiruppathi, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Graphene Oxide-Based Nanomaterials for the Electrochemical Sensing of Isoniazid. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4 (2021) 3696-3706.

Y.-J. Zhang, Z. Su, J.-F. Li, J. Lipkowski. Water Structure at the Multilayers of Palladium deposited at nanostructured Au electrodes. J.Electroanal. Chem. 2021, 896, 115243.

J. Cirone, J.S. Dondapati, A. Chen. Design of Bimetallic Nickel-Iron Quantum Dots with Tunable Compositions for Enhanced Electrochemical Water Splitting. Electrochim. Acta 392 (2021) 139016 (1-9).

J. Park, J. Park, C. Huang, A.Jo, K. Cook, R. Wang, H.Lin, J. Deun, H. Li, J. Min, L. Wang, G.Yoon, B. Carter, L. Balaj, G. Choi, C. Castro, R. Weissleder, H. Lee. An integrated magneto-electrochemical device for the rapid profiling of tumor extracellular vesicles from blood plasma. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 5, 678-689. 2021.  

E. Boateng, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Design and Electrochemical Study of Three-Dimensional Expanded Graphite and Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites Decorated with Pd Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Storage. J. Phys. Chem. C 125(42) (2021) 22970-22981.

Z. Su, D. Mrdenovic, S. Sek, J. Lipkowski, Ionophore properties of valinomycin in the model bilayer lipid membrane 1. Selectivity towards a cation. J.Solid State Electrochem., 2021, 24, 3125-3134.

B. Mao, L. Qian, M. Govindhan, Z. Liu, A. Chen. Simultaneouselectrochemical detection of guanine and adenine using reduced graphene oxide decorated with AuPt nanoclusters. Microchim. Acta 188 (2021) 276 (1-10).

T. Cloet, N. Momenbeitollahi, H. Li. Recent advances on protein-based quantification of extracellular vesicles. Analytical Biochemistry. 622, 114168, 2021.

L. Qian, R. Elmahdy, A.R. Thiruppathi, A. Chen. An Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of Acetaminophen via a Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Nanoporous Gold Wire Electrode. Analyst 146 (2021) 4525-4534.

Z. Su, J. J. Leitch, S. Sek, J. Lipkowski, Ion-Pairing Mechanism for the Valinomycin-Mediated Transport of Potassium Ions Across Phospholipid Bilayers. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 9613.


S. Chen, S. Prins, A. Chen. Patterning of BiVO4 surfaces and monitoring of localized catalytic activity using scanning photoelectrochemical microscopy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (15) (2020) 18065-18073.

S.R. Ahmed, A. Chen. In situ enzymatic generation of gold nanoparticles for nanozymatic label-free detection of acid phosphatase. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3 (2020) 9462-9469.

E. Boateng, J.S. Dondapati, A.R. Thiruppathi, A. Chen. Significant enhancement of the electrochemical hydrogen uptake of reduced graphene oxide via boron-doping and decoration with Pd nanoparticles. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 45 (2020) 28951-28963.

A.R. Thiruppathi, B. Sidhureddy, E. Boateng, D.V. Soldatov, A. Chen. Synthesis and electrochemical study of three-dimensional graphene-based nanomaterials for energy applications. Nanomaterials 10 (7) (2020) 1295.

L. Zeng, X. Li, S. Chen, J. Wen, F. Rahmati, J. van der Zalm, A. Chen. Highly boosted gas diffusion for enhanced electrocatalytic reduction of N2 to NH3 on 3D hollow Co–MoS2 nanostructures. Nanoscale 12 (10) (2020) 6029-6036.

J. V. Deun, A. Jo, H. Li, H. Lin, R. Weissleder, H. Im, H. Lee. Integrated dual-mode chromatography to enrich extracellular vesicles from plasma. Advanced Biosystems. 12, 2020.

E. Boateng, A. Chen. Recent advances in nanomaterial-based solid-state hydrogen storage. Mater. Today Adv. 6 (2020) 100022.

J.S. Dondapati, A. Chen. Quantitative structure–property relationship of the photoelectrochemical oxidation of phenolic pollutants at modified nanoporous titanium oxide using supervised machine learning. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (16) (2020) 8878-8888.

D. Mrdenovic, Z. Su, W. Kutner, P. Pieta, J. Lipkowski, Amyloid β peptide impact on the properties of a floating bilayer lipid bilayer mimicking brain cell membrane. RCS Nanoscale Advances, 2020, 2, 3467-3480.


M.N. Hossain, S. Chen, A. Chen. Thermal-assisted synthesis of unique Cu nanodendrites for the efficient electrochemical reduction of CO2. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 259 (2019) 118096.

L. Zeng, S. Chen, J. van der Zalm, X. Li, A. Chen. Sulfur vacancy-rich N-doped MoS2 nanoflowers for highly boosting electrocatalytic N2 fixation to NH3 under ambient conditions. Chem. Commun. 55 (2019) 7386-7389.  

B. Sidhureddy, S. Prins, J. Wen, A.R. Thiruppathi, M. Govindhan, A. Chen. Synthesis and electrochemical study of mesoporous nickel-cobalt oxides for efficient oxygen reduction. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11 (2019) 18295-18304.

S.R. Ahmed, J. Cirone, A. Chen. Fluorescent Fe3O4 quantum dots for H2O2 detection. ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2 (2019) 2076-2085.

J. Cirone, S.R. Ahmed, P.C. Wood, A. Chen. Green synthesis and electrochemical study of cobalt/graphene quantum dots for efficient water splitting. J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 9183-9191.

B. Sidhureddy, J. Dondapati, A. Chen. Shape-controlled synthesis of Co3O4 for enhanced electrocatalysis of the oxygen evolution reaction. Chem. Commun. 55 (2019) 3626-3629.

Z. Liu, E. Puumala, A. Chen. Sensitive electrochemical detection of Hg (II) via a FeOOH modified nanoporous gold microelectrode. Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 287 (2019) 517-525.